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Questions & answers
Below is a list of the most common customer questions.
If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
How do I convert an Adobe Acrobat file into a JPEG?
Surprisingly Adobe Acrobat (the application) will convert PDF files to JPEG! I would expect most PDF editors would have this capability. I use a Mac and the standard Preview application will do this conversion. (I always used Adobe Acrobat Pro back when I was Windows based.)
What is the best service to use to perform image file conversions in large batches?
Use themand line (and shell scripting batch file in Windows and DOS) for this. There are many free and open tools for working with file s and do a few transforms programs such as pngtopnm (convert a PNG file formats) and pnmscale (shrink or enlarge an formats are and very simple and therefore can be edited in a old editor and processed by the many utilities available. Like you could conceivably use sed to add a signature to a bunch of pnm such as crop and rotate _without_ losing quality. jpegtran can also redo thepression again without losing quality and often produce a smaller JPEG file than a typical digital camera. Here how in Linux you mightmand jpegtran to redo thepression for every JPEG file in a directory putting the results in a subdirectory mkdir optimized for i in *.jpg; do jpegtran -optimize < $i optimized$i; done optipng is yet another utility for redoing thepression of a PNG s off of digital cameras and ontoputers. There are also a lot of utilities for manipulating PDF files such as PDFs and for converting a PDF to a netpbm s acquiring an s from websites. Finally if none of the existing utilities quite does what you want you can of course make your own utilities or have them made them for you. For instance I have an image of elevations of terrain. Uses bright green for low elevations and gradually darkens as elevations increase. I made a utility that given a starting point tries to draw a river from there to the ocean searching around for the lowest terrain. It was surprisingly tricky to do because among other problems the terrain data doesn always catch the low spots so the utility often has to do a wider search to figure out where the river should go.
What commands are used in Solaris?
Commands vary with Solaris version and Server model. There are some basicmands to take the Health checkup of the server- uname -a uname -X uptime swap -l zpool status -x svcs -x fmadm faulty echo | format df -h iostat -en iostat -En metadb -i metastat |grep -i main -aux cat cat cat cat cat cfgadm -al cfgadm -o show_FCP_dev -al cfgadm -alo show_SCSI_LUN mount df -k dladm show-dev dladm show- dmesg eeprom fmadm config fmdump -e fcinfo hba-port fcinfo hba-port -l luxadm probe luxadm -e port ifconfig -a inetadm netstat -i netstat -r iostat -xtc 5 3 kstat -n inode_cache kstat -n ncstats metastat -c metastat -p metastat metastat -t mpstat 2 5 mt config ls -la mt status mt -f status prtconf -pvv|grep Mem prtdiag -v prtfru prtfru -x ps -eaf ps -eo pidpcpuargs | sort +1n |tail -5 ps -eo pidpmempcpuargs | sort +1n |tail -5 ps -eo pidvszrsspmemargs | sort +1n |tail -5 psrinfo -p psrinfo -v psrinfo -vp svcs -xv swap -s sysdef -i ulimit -a vmstat 2 5 vmstat -s vxdg list vxdisk -e list vxdisk -e list vxinfo -g rootdg vxprint -ht vxprint -aht who -r zfs list zfs list -t filesystem zfs list -t snapshot zfs list -t volume zpool status zpool status -xv zpool iostat -v 5 5 zpool history -il find * - f -s ! -size -ls -el -o pcpupmemfnamerssvszpidstime | sort +1n `uname -i` -v `uname -i` loghistory `uname -i` environment `uname -i` date `uname -i` consolehistory `uname -i` shownetwork cat cat cat fmdump -eV grep critical * grep error * ipmitool sensor 3v ipmitool fru ipmitool sel list ipmitool sel elist ipmitool -v chassis status ipmitool sdr list all ipmitool sunoem led get all